

What is lymphedema?
Edema therapy is a treatment that stimulates the body to absorb and remove the lymph fluid. This therapy is needed when lymph fluid accumulates in the tissues, resulting in swelling in the body. With such an accumulation of lymph fluid, which we call edema in technical terms, we make a distinction between primary and secondary lymphedema. Primary lymphedema is a malfunctioning or malfunctioning lymphatic system. In secondary lymphedema, the most well-known form, the lymphatic system is damaged as a result of, for example, an illness, an operation, an accident or radiation. Fortunately, both forms of edema can be treated well.

How can we treat?
The treatment for primary and secondary lymphedema is almost the same. It is important that the body starts taking up and draining the lymph fluid again. This can be done by means of manual lymph drainage, a soft, specific massage technique that stimulates the functioning of the lymphatic system. To conclude the treatment, a choice can be made to use outpatient compression therapy. The bandages are applied using a special technique, whereby the discharged lymph fluid is actually kept away by the pressure. By using (moving) your muscle pump you can increase the effect of the bandages. At a later stage the bandages can be replaced by therapeutically elastic stockings. The treatment can be supported with lymph tape or compression equipment. This depends on the severity of the complaints.

The treatment
Before the treatment you will receive an intake interview and photos will be made. These will be used to map the results of the treatments. Measurements will also be made to determine the effect of the treatments over time. The treatment of lymphedema is usually a combination of manual lymphatic drainage and compression therapy. You will also receive exercises to promote the recovery process. You will also receive suitable skin advice to take good care of your skin at home.

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Wear comfortable clothing to facilitate undressing and dressing.
Make sure your skin is clean. Do not use body cream on the day of treatment.
How many treatments?
The number of treatments depends on the stage at which the edema is located and the amount of complaints you experience. Since edema often has a chronic nature, it is difficult to state an exact number. During your intake interview we can give you an indication of how many treatments per week we want to start.

With edema therapy we always look at what you can do at home when it comes to breathing exercises, exercise exercises, bandages, lymph tape or support stockings. We explain that to you, teach you and evaluate periodically.
It is important to take good care of your skin. Use a stratum corneum product regularly to remove the dead skin cells. We recommend hannah Scrub Plus, this is a hydrating product that removes dead skin cells and promotes blood flow.
It is important to take good care of your skin. Use a cream or oil to soothe the skin after the thinning product.

For contracted health insurers, the treatments are reimbursed if there is a chronic indication. The first 20 treatments come from the supplementary package. Then the treatments come from the basic insurance. You must bring a referral from your doctor. If you have questions about the reimbursement, we refer you to your health insurance company for consultation.
If the therapy is not reimbursed by your insurer, the rates below apply.

Lymphedema treatment 30 min € 47.50
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