Relaxation treatment


What is a relaxation treatment?
This is a treatment where you will experience the feeling of a wonderful and beneficial massage as well as work on your skin. We believe that if you care about your skin you not only want to deal with relaxation but also the condition of your skin. That is why this is a super treatment for everyone.
What can we handle?
We treat you in a relaxation treatment with the products of hannah. These are great products that we have been working with since 2004. We treat the skin but you are also central to this treatment. The relaxation is therefore wonderful and you can pamper yourself for a while and when you are reborn you go home again.
The treatment
The treatment consists of the following:
Cleaning the skin
Cleaning out impurities
Blood flow through the skin
Relaxation massage
All this is tailored to the needs of your skin. We look at the condition of your skin every treatment and adjust all products accordingly.

Voorbereiding op de behandeleing
Het is fijn als je naar de behandeling komt zonder make-up.
Hoeveel behandelingen?
Het is natuurlijk aan jou om te bepalen hoe vaak je komt. Wij adviseren om deze behandeling iedere 5 weken uit te voeren om je huid optimaal te onderhouden.

Het is raadzaam om thuis je behandeling voort te zetten met de producten die wij je adviseren. Dit om het resultaat te behouden en de behandeling te ondersteuen. Wij zullen altijd een productadvies aan je meegeven zodat je exact weet wat en hoe je de producten thuis komt gebruiken.

Ontspanningsbehandeling 75 min € 77,00

Gratis huidadvies? Dat kan.

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